Friday, 15 November 2013

Pink Lady

"I'll stop wearing black when they invent a darker colour" - pretty much my style motto, it's a very rare occasion when you'll see me wearing anything bright.

And then the pink coat trend started. Here I was innocently flicking through all my magazines when up popped one pink coat, then another, and then all of a sudden hundreds kept creeping up. And I caved and I hated myself for it. As ashamed as I was for buying a coat that everyone and their grannies will have, I do not regret it one bit. This baby can be dressed down with my trusty scaffy converse, or brightening up a LBD on a dark winter night out.

This cosy little New Look number was bought through ASOS and cost £64.99, buy it here 

love you and leave you

1 comment:

  1. I, strangely, wear a lot of colours. My latest post is a bright yellow dress so, yeah, I love colours a lot but I will also go through phases of wearing all black with just a red lip.

    Love this coat on you :) it's very chic and matches your style well. I haven't got a pink coat, mainly because this colour isn't great on me. I seem to be seeing through the Autumn in my leather jacket...I might have to upgrade to a coat though. It's been so freezing.


    Hailes Hearts Fashion.
